Muddy Puddles

Muddy Puddles

Here at Happy Hares welly boots are a must!!! We have had the best time jumping in muddy puddles, making mud pies and then the next day, we discovered a whole family of worms! We practised our counting skills and were amazed at how many we found altogether. We also...
Look at all the fun we have had this week……

Look at all the fun we have had this week……

We have explored the icy, snowy, watery tuff tray with the bears, tried to work out how to melt our giant blocks of ice using different tools and equipment, continued to dive our hands into the Jelli Baff, created snowy animal/ dinosaur footprints using paint, became...
Welcome back!

Welcome back!

Happy New Year! We have had a great first 2 weeks at Nursery! We have been learning all about eating and how to keep our bodies healthy, trying new delicious and exotic fruits, and asking our friends what their favourite were! In Little Hares, we have also been...
What a great start to 2021!

What a great start to 2021!

 What a great start to 2021, we are so pleased to see so many smiley, happy children return to nursery!! This week the children have been talking about the chilly, cold weather and noticed ice on the toys outside. We have extended this interest with activities based...